Hogan Brown has enjoyed acting on behalf of a number of individuals and companies connected to the restaurant and hospitality industry.
We have advised companies and individuals involved in enforcement action, criminal investigation, or prosecution by a food authority in England and Wales. Generally speaking this involves the Environmental Health Department or the Trading Standards Department of a Borough Council, County Council or District Council.
Traders have found that the Food Safety Act 1990 and the Food Hygiene (England Regulations) 2006 contain a bewildering number of criminal offences. Conviction can have devastating consequences for a business. We have experience of providing consultancy advice to ensure that there is no risk that criminal offences are being committed. For more information on this particular aspect of our work please contact Michael Hogan.
Lois Cullen has built up a reputation in dealing with complex planning, regulatory and licensing issues associated with food and drink businesses. She has successfully represented many clients in appeals heard before the relevant committee of the local authority and in the Magistrates and Crown Court.